Solar Sales Reps: Why Is It SO Hard to Get a Copy of the Electric Bill?


Obtaining accurate information about how much electricity a solar prospect is using, and how often, is important for developing an accurate solar design and quote to close the deal. It’s also an important tool to illustrate how solar can offer price savings.

But getting this data is often a huge barrier in the solar sales process. You need the electric bill quickly to move closer to making the sale. Here’s why getting the copy of the electric bill can be so hard, and what you can do about it.

Why Don’t Solar Prospects Want to Provide the Electric Bill?

Homeowners or business owners may be completely invested in going solar, but giving up certain types of information is nerve wracking.

For some, the concern is that the utility account could be hacked. They believe it could be a security breach and that the solar company could use it to nefarious ends. Of course, no reputable solar company would do that. And even if they wanted to, it’s virtually impossible to hack the account.

Even without this concern, prospects may be worried about their privacy. They simply don’t want to share this information. They believe that providing an approximate spend and the utility company they use is enough information. While this does help, it’s not enough to create an accurate estimate.

Finally, and this one can be challenging – prospects are working with other solar companies that don’t require a bill. Or so they say. In reality, they may have only received a ballpark estimate, and this is just a tactic to get you to move forward with just an approximate spend.

How to Get the Electric Bill Data from Solar Leads with Less Friction

Whatever the reason for withholding this information, there are ways to get around it. It’s better to get a copy or photo of the actual bill whenever possible, but you should be flexible with what the prospect is comfortable with or can complete easily.

Here are some options:

Download the Bill from the Utility Website

One of the best options for most prospects is getting a downloaded bill directly from their online utility account. All they have to do is log in, download the bill, and send it via email. You’ll get the information you need quickly and conveniently, and the prospect has the option to provide multiple months of utility data.

Take a Picture, Snap a Screenshot, or Make a Copy

If downloading the bill isn’t an option, the prospect can take a picture, snap a screenshot on their mobile device, or take a picture of a physical electric bill and email or text it. This is a good option for prospects that are less tech-savvy or struggle to access their online account, but may have an email or paper copy of their bill. Scanning or copying the bill also works.

Authorize the Utility Company to Share the Information Directly

In some cases, you can get the information from the bill directly from the utility company. This is an excellent option that requires little time on the part of the customer, not to mention that you can be sure you’re getting the right information.

Usually, the customer will need to speak to the utility company and allow them to share this data on their behalf, so you may need to walk them through that process. You may also need to register as an authorized third party to access the information.

Remove the Barrier to the Electric Bill

Whichever method is most comfortable and convenient for the prospect, it’s a good idea for your solar company to have processes in place to get the electric bill and create an accurate quote early in the sales process.

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